A baby is sitting in a high chair eating food with a spoon.
By Saving Grace Pediatrics May 1, 2024
Choking is a fear that lurks in the minds of every parent, a silent threat that can turn an ordinary meal into a nightmare. Knowledge is our most powerful tool in this fight, so let's empower ourselves to keep our children safe.
The word autism is spelled out in colorful letters
By Saving Grace Pediatrics April 2, 2024
Autism Awareness Month is a time to foster understanding, promote acceptance, and celebrate the unique individuals who make up the autism community. At our special urgent care and primary care practice, we’re dedicated to not only raising awareness but also providing inclusive healthcare that meets the unique needs of children with autism.
A scale is sitting on a rug next to a mirror.
By Saving Grace Pediatrics March 21, 2024
At Saving Grace, we understand the unique challenges adults face when it comes to weight loss. That's why we offer a concierge approach to medical weight loss, tailored to meet your individual needs and goals. Here's everything you need to know about our comprehensive program.
By Saving Grace Pediatrics March 8, 2024
Traveling with children can be a smooth and enjoyable experience with the right preparation. Here we discuss 5 commonly asked questions about traveling with children.
a family is getting examined by practitioner
By Saving Grace Pediatrics February 7, 2024
Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is a highly infectious respiratory virus that affects millions of people worldwide each year. Learn more about the flu and tips for prevention.
a young girl and boy washing their hands
By Saving Grace Pediatrics January 24, 2024
We are well into the winter sick season, but getting sick isn't inevitable. With the right precautions and lifestyle choices, you can significantly reduce your risk of winter illnesses. Here are some effective tips for staying healthy during the colder months.
a woman is talking to a little girl who is laying on a bed .
By Saving Grace Pediatrics January 5, 2024
RSV is a common virus that can lead to more serious health issues in certain individuals. Understanding the symptoms, treatment options, and preventive measures can help manage and reduce the risk of severe illness.
a man and a boy are sitting on the ground talking
By Saving Grace Pediatrics December 19, 2023
Puberty can be intimidating for both parents and children, but there's no reason to fear it. In this guide we discuss ways to promoting honest discussions and a healthy body image in adolescence.
a young boy wrapped in a white blanket is sitting on a blue couch
By Saving Grace Pediatrics December 4, 2023
Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease can be a challenging experience for both parents and children, but with the following tips, the discomfort can be managed effectively. I
baby with dark hair playing with feet
By Saving Grace Pediatrics November 21, 2023
When your baby is congested it interferes so much with their sleep, eating and overall demeanor. Here are some tips and tricks to help your baby clear their congestion.
Mother breastfeeding an infant
By Saving Grace Pediatrics November 7, 2023
Don't let the pressure of breastfeeding make you stressed when bringing a new baby home. Here are some helpful tips for feeding your newborn.
Male teenager with a laptop
By Saving Grace Pediatrics October 17, 2023
Parenting in the digital age presents unique challenges, but with proactive communication, education, and the implementation of safety measures, you can keep your teen safe online.
Close up thermometer and infant
By Saving Grace Pediatrics October 17, 2023
It can be scary when your child has a fever. Remember that fevers are a natural response and the body knows what to do. Here a a few tips when you think your child may have a fever.
sleeping newborn infant
By Saving Grace Pediatrics October 3, 2023
Many new mothers struggle with postpartum depression after childbirth. Moms may experience many different symptoms. Read more to learn the symptoms and tips for managing PPD.
Young girl in bed with thermometer
By Saving Grace Pediatrics September 19, 2023
Here is a list of essential pediatric over-the-counter medications to have in your medicine cabinet, ensuring that when sickness strikes, you’re not making a midnight dash to the local pharmacy.
Tick warning sign in woods
By Saving Grace Pediatrics September 4, 2023
Ticks in Oklahoma are very unlikely to carry Lyme Disease. However, there are some tick-borne diseases that are present here in Oklahoma. Here are some very easy and important ways to prevent illness.
poison ivy leaf
By Saving Grace Pediatrics August 21, 2023
It is that time of year again when we all enjoy the great outdoors. Sometimes we come into contact with plants that hold poisonous oils. In this blog we discuss tips for preventing and treating the itchy rash and blisters from poison oak, ivy and sumac.
Mother walking a young child with a backpack to school building
By Saving Grace Peditrics August 7, 2023
Are you ready for the upcoming school year? Are you nervous about drop off or being away? Sometimes your child has all the same fears you have. Here are some ways to make sure everyone feels comfortable with the anxieties that can come with a new school year.
Two adults and  two small children in the family car
By Saving Grace Pediatrics July 24, 2023
Summer Vacation? Weekend getaway? Prepare to make those long road trips more fun and enjoyable with these 5 tips.
Boy rubbing sunscreen onto face
By Saving Grace Pediatrics July 10, 2023
The summer is in full swing and all kids need protection from UV rays to prevent sunburn. Here are some tips for having fun in the sun without getting a sunburn.
baby sleeping on its back
By Saving Grace Pediatrics June 26, 2023
Creating a safe sleep environment for your new little one is important for their health and safety. By ensuring a safe sleep environment, you are helping to protect your infant from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and SUID (Sudden Unexplained Infant Death).
Young girl with doctor in the ER
By Saving Grace Pediatrics June 12, 2023
Injury is the leading cause of death for children and teens in the United States. Many of the injuries can be prevented. Here are six common reasons why kids end up in the Emergency Room.
young boy with sunscreen and pool toy
By Saving Grace Pediatrics May 29, 2023
With sensitive skin, it's all about maintenance and products. We have tips for managing the summer months when sunscreens, chafing in swimsuits and bug sprays can cause so many skin flares.
Young child wearing a life jacket in a pool
By Saving Grace Pediatrics May 15, 2023
Things are heating up! It's a great time to think about water safety with your kids. Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury-related death for children ages 1-4. Here are some safety tips to help prevent a tragic accident.
Young boy throwing a baseball
By Saving Grace Pediatrics May 1, 2023
A concussion is a brain injury that is caused by a bump or a blow to the head. Symptoms of a concussion can include pain, nausea, loss of consciousness, vomiting, light sensitivity or dizziness. Be prepared for what to do if you are concerned your child might have a concussion.
Young boy with Conjunctivitis
By Saving Grace Pediatrics April 24, 2023
There are several different causes of conjunctivitis, commonly called pink eye, in children. Some are contagious, some are not. Treatment of pink eyes will vary depending upon the underlying cause.
young child sucking their thumb
By Saving Grace Pediatrics April 6, 2023
Does your child continue to suck their thumb as they get older? There comes a point when every parent wants their child to break the habit of sucking their thumb! Here are some tips to help.
Medical Provider looking in a child's throat
By Saving Grace Pediatrics March 20, 2023
Strep is the cause of a sore throat about 40% of the time and therefore it is important to always check for strep if your child complains. When a child has Strep their throat is typically sore and red, they will run fever and their tongue can look coated white or pale grey. Often with strep your child will also complain of a headache and fatigue.
woman coughing into tissues
By Saving Grace Pediatrics March 7, 2023
With the weather getting nicer and trees in bloom, it can be hard to tell the difference between seasonal allergies and an upper respiratory infection. Here are a few helpful tips to help you navigate the difference.
Iv Fluid bag
By Saving Grace Pediatrics March 3, 2023
Infusion therapy has many benefits, whether it's providing essential nutrients, addressing dehydration, or just simply making people feel better. At Saving Grace, we provide infusion services for both adults and children.
Young girl blowing her nose
By Saving Grace Pediatrics February 6, 2023
Allergies are a reality that many of us deal with seasonally and for some, year- round. To avoid or reduce allergy symptoms, we recommend being proactive. Learn which treatments could help you find relief from seasonal allergies.
Child in bed with thermometer and tissue
By Saving Grace Pediatrics January 23, 2023
As a parent we are navigating unusual times with medication shortages and extra sick children.  Here are a few tips to help educated you on the different over the counter fever/pain reducing medications out there.
Saving Grace provider arriving at patient's front door
By Saving Grace Pediatrics January 9, 2023
Direct Primary Care is an alternative to traditional primary care that provides improved access to care, cost savings, greater continuity of care, and improved communication with your provider. See our 10 reasons to choose Direct Primary Care.
Healthcare provider examining young boy's ears
By Saving Grace Pediatrics December 30, 2022
Flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and sometimes the lungs. If someone in your home is sick, let us come help!